Part 1: A couple months ago I wrote a post about my love for
Eminem. I mean, who doesn't love him. Taryn and I have both been watching many Eminem videos while he prepares for his comeback. Just today we were watching Eminem and Lil' Wayne's
video. (Which is weird. I don't know how you make videos in jail) And Taryn loves T.I. LOVES him. I embedded the video if you want to see some magic.
Part 2: Some of you know, but we have a group chat set up permantely on AOL Instant Messanger. It's myself, Erica, Rachel, Taryn and Ashley and its called DFU. This way we can all chat together about things all day long. Usually its about work, weddings, boyfriends (or lack there of in my case), etc. Sounds like a huge waste of time doesn't it. Well it is, but I love it. I seriously don't know how I get any work done.
Part 3: Mix the first 2 parts together and you get today's conversation on IM. I thought it was too funny not to share. I mean, why are a bunch of 25 year olds talking about this seriously??
(trynphlps87) would you all rather marry TI, eminem or Lil Wayne
haus1303: duh
(trynphlps87) haha
haus1303:Im sure you are TI
haus1303: Lil Wayne is gross
(ericapbp) TI
(trynphlps87) too many kids
haus1303: that hair...sick
(trynphlps87) i like the hair
(trynphlps87) and the teardrop tats on the face
haus1303: mean he killed someone
(trynphlps87) TI but eminem is a SERIOUS close second
(trynphlps87) you really think he did?
haus1303: thats what tear drop tats mean
(trynphlps87) ohh
(trynphlps87) i suppose i don't like those then
(racheltx307) did you ever see the movie cry baby
haus1303: his hair is you know how those are made? By not washing your hair
(trynphlps87) haha i know
(racheltx307) isn't that what its called, explains the tear drop tattoo
(ericapbp) I guess TI did kill someone t
(trynphlps87) you can wash your hair though
(ericapbp) that is pretty serious
haus1303: so eminem is the best. duh
haus1303: i seriously love him
(racheltx307) i say non of the above
(ericapbp) Em does hate kim.
(ericapbp) Anthrax on your tampax
(ericapbp) that is scary too
(trynphlps87) hahaha
haus1303: cause kim is a bitch
(trynphlps87) eminem is a good daddy
haus1303: he adopted a kid
(trynphlps87) he adopted kim's other daughter
(trynphlps87) and niece
(racheltx307) how you people know these things...??
(ericapbp) But you'd have to visit detroit at christmas
haus1303: cause I am obsessed with Eminem.
haus1303: as you should be
haus1303: Detroit what
(racheltx307) ha no
haus1303: then i could act like I was in 8 mile
(trynphlps87) would be awesome
Anyway, just another day in our lives...hope yours is just as exciting.