Sunday, July 10, 2011

#1 Reason I Don't Have A Boyfriend

So there are probably many reasons that I don't have a boyfriend, but I would have to say, what you are about to read is probably #1, and if not #1 - top 3.

Everyone knows I love Harry Potter, but I think I took it to a whole new level this weekend. I am going to the Midnight showing on Thursday, which is not out of the norm, but in preparation, we had a marathon extravaganza to get ready. Starting at 8:00 PM on Friday night, we put in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and the magic started from there. I'll put this in pictures for you.

The scarf I wore all weekend

(My wonderful sister Jena got this for me when she visited Harry Potter theme park in Orlando. Also earlier in the week, I told my friend Emily that I was going to bring this scarf, she then asked me if I had all the movies, my answer "I own a Harry Potter scarf")

Butter Beer

Pumpkin Juice

(Orange pop and orange vodka)

Pumpkin Pasties

Cauldron Cakes and Botts Every Flavor Bean

Harry's Birthday Cake

(For those of you who are not aware, 17 is the "man" birthday in the wizarding world, you lose the trace and can do magic whenever you want. My sister told me that when I bring the cake out I have to say "O no Harry (British accent), Ginny and I made you a birthday cake and were going to bring it out after the wedding")


(Instagramed of course)

Ron Weasley cutting the turkey

(Hogwarts has the best feasts-every movie)

My feast

(Turkey, Cheesy Potatoes, Stuffing - we also had green bean casserole)

And this, this is my crowing jewel, I really can't put into words how proud this made me. This is my poly juice potion invention. Poly Juice potion is in most of the movies, its obviously a potion, but you add hairs from another person and drink it, you then become that person.

(I mixed champagne (for the bubbles), a little midori to make it green, and the genius part-dry ice-to make it smoke. After mixing it all together, it started bubbling-JUST LIKE A CAULDRON OF POTION. It was truly amazing.

We also obviously made it into a drinking game. Times to drink

1. Whenever Dumbledore owned a room
2. When Ron said "Bloody Hell"
3. When someone said Expelliarmus

Etc, Etc.

3:51 PM, Sunday - finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All 7 complete. We took a couple breaks here and there - to sleep, gym and prepare the feast. All in all it was a great, relaxing weekend and got me so pumped for Harry Potter 7 part 2. I am extremely excited, but also so sad that it's ending.

For all you muggles that would like to have your own Harry Potter themed party, here are a couple links to get you started

Good luck to all this week, and remember, if you hear Avada Kedavra - GET DOWN - if you can.

Monday, March 21, 2011

3,000 Thoughts A Day

Hey kids...I'm back. Don't get too excited because I work in insurance now, so I'm like an adult. And we will see about the first post back....Let me ease in.

I recently saw a commercial that said the average person has 3,000 thoughts a day. Um......dizzzzattt. (For those of you that didn't go to Olathe South-that is "doubt it" Picture your tongue sticking out,well yours-cause I can't, whilst saying it)

Anyway, I think that is a bit much. Then I started thinking about my thought versus the average person's, or a smarter persons. Here is a true documentation of my thoughts in about 3 hours in the correct order, obviously not close to 3,000 but I just realized that if a person has 3000 thoughts, some have got to be ridic....

And the thoughts came on a recent trip to Tulsa, OK so lots of time to think while starring at nothing...intermixed with belting tunes....


I wish I could sing better

I wish I had a helicopter

I wonder what would happen if Justin and Britney never broke up. Would they have ridiculous kids, still be making music, would Britney have gone crazy?

I think that Taryn and I would go on Amazing Race, 1. I think we could win, 2. I think we would be really entertaining.

The star dome in Junior High was awesome, I wonder if they still have it? (For those of you wondering, I texted my sister Aimee and they don't....Lameness) I wonder if you can rent it for parties?

(Then I wrote "Vanessa blog name" but I don't know what that means...)

My thoughts are kinds of scattered

Who gets to name cities? Who gets to name stuff like grass? Who names things?

I wish I had a plane

How do names catch on. Like how did everyone know to call a bar of soap a bar of soap, I mean they didn't have commercials back then.

Why would someone ever put a decal of a wolf on the back of their car.

I wish I could apparate

I just wish I was magic.

Getting older sucks, look at these bags under my eyes.


That's it. That is 3 hours of thoughts....of a 26 year old. Sad City