Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top Chef Olathe

I was home for a quick trip this past weekend in Olathe. The whole family loves cooking shows and so we did our own little competition. Previously, the kids had done a dessert round. Cody was ahead by 1 point after round 1. We decided to do appetizers this time, so the kids told us what they wanted to make and then my mom and I went to the store to purchase all the goodies. Each kid got a Sous Chef to help, myself, my mom and my stepdad Scott. After the tasting the sous chefs went down in the basement to judge.

Chef:Sous Chef

Jared: Mom (Paula)

Korie: Scott

Cody: Me!

The following are the final product with judges commentary underneath...

Cody had nice use of the pantry with the tortillas and taco seasoning. He had an abundance of food but his food lacked contrast of color. 12 out of 15 points.

Jared's wings had excellent taste and the presentation was wonderful. Way to know your judges Jared!. However he didn't stretch himself. 13 of 15 points.
(My commentary: these were the, we marinated them in lime juice/soy sauce)

And the winner is.....

Korie showed excellent creativity. The donuts rocked! However her ravioli lacked substance. 13 out of 15 points. Appointed winner for her creativity and she took a risk.

It was a really fun activity and the kids really enjoyed it. Cody even told me, he "really enjoyed cutting the cheese", which got a laugh from all.

Monday, September 13, 2010

GREAT weekend

Today at work, I have been doing a lot of manual labor. Fun? No. Necessary? Yes. Well part of that day has been sitting on my knees writing down numbers and organizing boxes. To make this job less fun, my knees are killing me, like I can't even crawl around. Why might you ask? Well let's take you back in time......

(cue harp music)

Friday night I met up with Landon and Ashley to go out. We hit a couple bars and meet up with some more friends later. I may have ended up drinking a little too much.

I wake up the next morning and don't feel well at all. Ashley and I decide the cure is breakfast, so Ben, Ash and I hit up State & Allen. They keep asking if we want mimosas and I think that I cannot possibly bear another drink. Well, Landon shows up and we all decide to get a drink. We finish eating and decide to go watch the rest of the KU game. Ashley ditches us and Hanna meets up with us instead. We watch my boys dominate the #15 team in the country (thank you very much) and decide to stay. At one point, we look down at our bar spot and see about 25 bottles lined up, so much for the not drinking part of the day. I laughed really hard all day, got to meet the Captain Morgan captain and learn that OSU's mascot is a tree. Seriously? We stay at the MAT until about 5PM and run back to my place so I can shower. O did I not mention that I was still in the same clothes from the night before?? Yea, I was. It was gross.

We get back to my apartment (its about a 2-block walk) and we are all feeling pretty good. The boys are jacking around in the elevator. They keep hitting the emergency button and jumping around like 5 year olds. As soon as the doors open, I just want out of that elevator, so I make a break for it. All the sudden...BOOM! I hit the ground on my knees and fall onto my back. Landon had stuck his foot out and I went down hard. The 3 of them all start running around laughing uncontrollably. I'll admit, I was laughing too. But it hurt. We decide to tone down the rest of our night and just do mall, pizza and movie.

I woke up the next morning with bruised and swollen knees and they are even worse today.

But, all in all, a pretty good weekend. One of my favorite Saturdays ever. Minus the way my knees feel today....

O! And I went to the Jonas Brothers/Demi Lovato concert on Sunday. I was working, but had signed up to work this one. :)

(Disclaimer: I know this is not the best blog post, but I am rambling and feel like I should write a post...)