Friday, August 6, 2010

Ode to Technology

Technology is cool. What did we do before email? Blah Blah. My ode is a bit different. Technology allows me to indulge in my guilty pleasures even more. Some of you will probably read this post and not want to be my friend anymore or will probably think I am crazy and the biggest dork ever, but isn't that one of my most endearing qualities??

This email from my sister Jena is how it first started:

"I randomly came across this. There is a wikipedia devoted to HP. It is called Harry Potter Wiki....this is the page that has every spell and hex. How to pronounce it, what it does, and who used it on who.

I am going to print off a copy and memorize some that Jordan will think I am an even bigger loser than he already does. "

I've been on Twitter for awhile now. I like it. I can follow celebs and I think I know them. The other day, Avada Kedavra was a trending topic. For those of you not familiar with twitter, trending topics are the 10 most "tweeted about" things that day. Avada Kedavra was #1 for 2 days. (Brett Favre was #2-but the incorrect spelling of his name-they spelled it Farve-different topic). Anyway, Avada Kedavra is the killing curse in Harry Potter, so that made my week. As much as I love Justin Bieber, this one was my favorite tweet...

"And I was like baby, baby, baby ooh! Like baby, baby, baby noo! Like..." AVADA KEDAVRA! *silence* Much better. (via @aSmileSaysItAll)

Another thing I discovered on Twitter was that I can follow Lord Voldemort. And he is really funny. A couple examples..

The final HP movies will be in 3D. If they don't make "Harry Potter style" 3D glasses, they're idiots. If they do make them, they're idiots.

#Datingtips Men: If you hear a woman say she's looking for her 'Edward,' RUN. Women: If you're looking for your 'Edward,' enjoy being alone.

"Avada Kedavra" "Harry Potter" is trending in Canada in that specific order. This is the first positive thing Canada has done. Ever.

iPhone-my favorite piece of technology, and thanks to Twitter, I got a new favorite app. Enjoy the pictures for more details.


My acceptance letter to Hogwarts!

I got my wand at Ollivanders...

And sorted into my house. Gryffindor of course, only the best.

You then get to practice spells. You can either wave your phone in a specific shape or just draw on the screen. I tried waving and didnt get it, so I just draw them on my screen. Its probably not necessary for me to say the spells out loud when I am alone in my room (or out in public for that matter), but where is the fun in that??

My patronus:

And then you can duel (the whole point of the game), but I am not good at all. You have to remember all the spells and their shapes. Really hard.

(Maybe this should have been titled "Ode to Harry Potter")

So, you probably all think I am a huge loser now, but I dont care and you better watch out, because I am getting really good at the spells and I have no problem using an Unforgivable Curse on you.